A lovely cross stitch pattern for any lover of yoga or India. Has the lovely description of the word Namaste.
Stitch count for is 136 High by 108 Wide. Will measure approx. 9.75" tall x 7.75" wide if stitched on14 count fabric.
All stitches are cross stitch.
Model stitched on14
Bibliophile, a lovely cross stitch pattern for any lover of books or reading with the definition of a bibliophile.
Stitch count for is 146 High by 136 Wide. Will measure approx. 10.50" tall x 9.75" wide if stitched on14 count fabric.
All stitches are cross stitch.
Model stitched on14 count
Love, Defined is a lovely pattern to stitch for Valentines Day, weddings, or simply for someone that YOU love.
Stitch count for is 135 High by 155 Wide. Will measure approx. 9.75" tall x 11.25" wide if stitched on14 count fabric.
All stitches are cross stitch.
Model stitched on14 count
This is a fan art cross stitch pattern based on one of my favorite books "The Witching Hour" by Ann Rice and shows the lineage of the Mayfair Family of Witches from the book. I highly recommend reading it… and watching the movie and stitching it too!
Stitch Count: 129
A lovely, colorful, mystical and magickal cross stitch design for Witches, Wiccans and Pagans with colors and their meanings.
Stitch Count is 112 High by 101 Wide. Will measure approx. 8" tall x 7.25" wide if stitched on14 count fabric.
All stitches are cross stitch.
Model stitched on14 count white
A magickal cross stitch pattern for Witches, Wiccans and Pagans with the annual wheel of the year calendar of solstices, equinoxes and sabbats.
Stitch count is is 130 Wide by 90 High. Will measure approx. 6.50" tall x 9.50" wide if stitched on14 count fabric.
All stitches are cross stitch.
A lovely, primitive, mystical and magical cross stitch pattern for any Witch, Wiccan and Pagan with the monthly full moons and their meanings.
Stitch count is is 130 Wide by 141 High. Will measure approx. 10" tall x 9.50" wide if stitched on 14 count fabric.
All stitches are cross
A lovely, primitive, mystical and magickal cross stitch design for witches, wiccans and Pagans with some runes and their meanings.
Stitch count is is 92 Wide by 110 High. Will measure approx. 8" tall x 6.50" wide if stitched on14 count fabric.
All stitches are cross stitch.
Model stitched on14 count
A fun cross stitch pattern shows street signs for Halloween Town on an old wooden pole with pumpkins, a black cat, spider and bat. Fun décor for Halloween.
Stitch count is is 72 Wide by 84 High. Will measure approx. 6" tall x 5.25" wide if stitched on14 count fabric.
2 earth friendly cross stitch designs in 1! The first is an old rally cry of women from the Great Depression in the 1930’s who knew how to be frugal & thrifty! "Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do, or Do Without!" The second is "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"
This cross stitch design says Namaste, a term often used in Yoga. I lived in India for a year when I was young, so I prefer the Indian meaning of Namaste which is basically "I recognize the divine spirit within you, which is also within me".
Stitch count is 48
Here are 4 cross stitch designs for Halloween. One says "Halloween" and has a moon & stars. One says "Spells, Charms & Potions" and has a cauldron. One says "The Witch Is In" and has a witch hat and black cat" and one says "White Magick since 1692" and has